
What is 99math? Learn math Easier Than You Think by playing the game!.


Are you afraid of numbers? 99math is for you. In today’s blog post, I will discuss an amazing platform called 99 Math that will make you love maths!

What is 99math

It is an online platform that transforms traditional maths learning into an interactive, engaging, and enjoyable game. This platform is designed for students from 1st grade to 12th grade. Children aged 5 and above can use this app with the support of their teachers.

Most students think math is very difficult, and due to their own false opinions, they should never try to solve math and then always run away from it. 99math was created to facilitate students’ math learning in a fun game. Students can practice and improve their math just by playing games.

Is 99 math an app?

Yes, it is an app available for students on iOS and Android devices. Students with a mobile device can simply join the 99 Math game and practice math.

Who invented 99 math?

In 2018, Timo Timmi and his mentor, Tonis Kusmin, invented this online learning platform.They aim to motivate students to learn and improve their math skills. They understand the need for effective math education.

How does math 99 work/How to make a 99math game?

For Teachers

  • First, you need to install the 99math app from the Google Play Store, or you can browse on Chrome. 
  • You can sign up as a teacher using your Google account or email.
  • You have to finish your simple account creation process.
  • Once you sign up, then, you pop on a really simple dashboard
  • You have to choose between various topics from maths operations. Addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, rounding, conversion, percentage, number line, equations, etc.
  • Then, you have to choose a range of numbers. You can also customize your range.

Now, you have to select game mode.

There are two different types of game modes:

Live game and HomeWork

You should choose the Live game option. It includes live quizzes, exercises, etc. It’s an awesome option, especially for children.

99math join

Then, select the number of rounds you will play and the time for each round in seconds.

Teachers can use it remotely or in the classroom face-to-face with the students. 

For Students

The app will then provide a game code to the teacher, which he will send to their students. They will enter that code, enter their names, and join the game.

After students join the game, then teacher will start the round, and the game is open. 

Students will solve this and click on next when the time is up; then, they will see how many points they achieve. 


Teachers have all students’ reports and mistakes shown in their accounts, including what mistakes and answers students solved incorrectly. This helps teachers know their students’ weaknesses.

Students with mobile devices join 99 math games and practice math.  

How to create a team in 99math?

When the teacher creates a math game on a specific topic, they share unique codes with all of their students. Students join the game using the provided code and are grouped in a classroom or a team.

Benefits of joining 99 math

  • Joining 99 Math helps a large number of students to improve their problem-solving skills and critical thinking. 
  • Learning math by playing games will motivate students to practice more.
  • Teachers can identify student weaknesses through the detailed report option provided by the platform and then help and guide their students.
  • Students consistently achieving the highest points will improve their confidence and groom their personalities.
  • Students will get the opportunity to connect with the learning community.

How to make a game on 99math as a student?

The platform is designed for teachers to create games and invite students to join them. You can request your teacher to make a game on 99 Math and send you the game code so you can enjoy learning math through the 99 Math app. However, if you don’t have a teacher, ask your friend or create the game from another device, send the game code to yourself, and start practising and enjoying learning math by playing a game.

Potential challenges faced by the platform

99 Math is a valuable learning platform and continues to provide math fun for students. However, it faces strong competition from other well-established educational platforms, both free and paid, that offer similar gaming features and content.  So 99 Math needs to continuously differentiate itself from competitors by providing unique features, engaging content, and a better user experience than others.


99 Math offers a unique solution to the challenges faced by many math students. This free platform allows both teachers and students to participate. Teachers can use 99 Math to present math concepts interactively and engagingly, making the subject more accessible. Students who find math complex can now learn and practice math with enthusiasm and enjoyment.

The platform’s user-friendly interface features a wide range of math topics, allowing you to choose your preferred area of focus. By playing engaging games, you can solve math problems while having fun. Join 99 Math today to enhance your math skills and overall math performance.


Does 99math cost money?

No, It doesn’t cost any fee. It is a free platform. You can join it without any subscription fee or charges.

What grades is 99math for?

The platform is designed for students from elementary school to high school. Children above age five can also have opportunities to learn and practice math skills.

Who is the owner of 99math?

The owners of the 99 9math are his founder, Timo Timmi, and his mentor, Tõnis Kusmin.

How do you get 90% in maths?

Math is an interesting puzzle. Students with creative minds can solve math easily, while others consider it difficult. However, you can achieve success in math just by practising and practising.

Is 99 math safe?

Yes, it is safe for you. However, keep your personal information private, as the platform does not generally require this. Be respectful in the online community. If you feel uncomfortable and unsafe, contact the support team. 

Is Math 99 hard?

Whether playing the game is hard or easy depends on the student’s age, learning capacity, and previous math knowledge.

Can students play 99math at home?

Yes, students can play games at home. They need the game code provided by the teacher to join the game and improve their math.

Is 99math good?

Joining 99 Math to polish your maths skills is a great idea. 

What are the topics for Math 99?

The platform covers almost every topic of maths from maths operations. Addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, rounding, conversion, percentage, number line, and equations.

What is the game code for 99math?

It is a unique inviting code from teachers or another device for you to join the game. Once you enter the code from your device, you’ll be added to the classroom or game.


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